"Some Forget, We Do Care”
In occasion of the World Alzheimer's Day, on Friday, 21st September 2018 InterMedi@KT along with the associate Partner Frontizo, organized in Patras a Dementia and Alzheimer awareness-raising local event were ACDC project was disseminated. More than 150 people participated, mostly Senior citizens and caregivers, to the event with the "Some Forget, We Do Care”, chosen in order to sensitize the community on the issues of dementia and the problems faced by families treating people with dementia.
Activities started from Friday morning at the Astir Hotel in Patras, where professionals and volunteers of Frodizo carried out topics such as memory reviews, pressure and glucose measurements in the elderly over 60 years, physical and mental empowerment for the elderly. Instructors from the “Nina Service Dogs” organization, a Thessaloniki-based organization dedicated to the training of assistant dogs, who conducted a pioneering workshop where specially trained helper dogs interacted with the elderly and people with dementia were also hosted.
Press release: